Okay. Here’s the latest? I turned positive. Yes, tested COVID positive. Such awful news returning from the biggest event in the Jewelry Industry. What was I expecting? A decreased number of people infected? Yeah, in my dreams, right? I knew I had this coming. It spotted me and hit me hard with a bad sore throat and unbearable headaches. What’s even worse? Locked in a room with all your medications and counting the days to be cleared to step out. Adding to that, it's such a bummer – I am supposed to fly to Alaska to attend a gorgeous wedding during the most wonderful season of the year to go there.
So instead of sobbing and missing out all the fun at the office which I really enjoy by the way - FYI, I am not a workaholic (with a wink on the side) and imagining all the awesome things to do in Alaska, here’s small but fabulous time-slaying things I would suggest to do while you’re in quarantine.
Photo by Michelle Leman
First, such an apparent thing to say, watch a movie or TV series you’ve been dying to find time for. If you’re just like me struggling to find time, here’s the perfect opportunity for you to start that pilot episode and finish that 10 damn seasons.
Here’s a website I personally want to share. It has the good stuff.
Second, if you’re also a reader, I know you buy books that are unopened and got stuck in your bookshelf for months now. Here’s your chance. Take a book or two and just dive your thoughts in the pages you wanted to savor through.
There’s nothing I want to share more that where I get my quality hand books. You can even go there and hang out once you're well.
Photo by Elina Fairytale
Third, doing a self-care routine is so rejuvenating. Trust me, if you do this even though you tested positive, you won’t even look like you're sick and look even better compared to people who are actually not sick. LOL. Here’s my mini doable list for you;
Photo by Anna Shvets
SKEDERM Korean Face Mask - preferably Korean facemask. They give the most facial moisture.
Crest 3D Whitestrips, Professional Effects - this is the most popular. I like how gradual and subtle it gives.
Rubis Classic Stainless Steel Slanted Tweezers - eyebrows have to be on point. So clean those up and get it in shape.
Beauty supplements - keep drinking those vitamins. Even when you're sick, your body doesn’t stop absorbing what you intake so chug that “glow up”.
Coco & Eve Like a Virgin Hair Masque - yes to hydrated hair. Coconut is my favorite.
All these are available, click photo for the link.
Fourth, meditate. Put on a good binaural sound, sit straight, dim the lights, close your eyes and intently breathe deeply and slowly for 20 minutes. Add a candle or incense if that soothes you. People forget being still and decluttering your thoughts helps you put yourself in a better state, not just mentally but emotionally and spiritually. Do this as a habit and your physical plane will follow through. You’ll see results, I can attest to that. Click below where I listen to and search Peaceful Mediation;
Photo by Elina Fairytale
Fifth, workout? This is somehow questionable for me since your body is not at its best to perform but I read and see other people doing cardio when COVID resting hours settles in your body - it has its “peak hours” too, right? So why not just take advantage and hit that stationary bike and do 15-minute cardio or some light body toning if you can. Here’s a useful workout bench I've linked to the photo below you might also have at home or if you’re interested;
Photo by Alexy Almond

Sixth and not the last, a chance to call and connect to the people you love and care about. This is where the beauty of technology delivers its best to you. Even a 3-hour time difference wouldn’t be a barrier. It’s simply a button you need to press to reach out. Spend hours or even days chatting about the best moments you had in the past, sharing laughter about a random punchline your person said, planning your next romantic dates as soon as you’re out from quarantine or life in general. It’s never a fail to converse with your favorite person in the world no matter how far they are or how late it is at night. It’s still the most amazing feeling ever.
Here’s the thing, getting isolated in a four-wall place for a week is not as hard as we think. It’s all about decisions - decisions on how we spend our time with it. We are living in a well-developed place that serves us convenience and pleasure, we just have to ask the right questions and put the right mindset into the current circumstance we are dealing with. We can never be always in the place or state we always wanted but through times like this (since it is temporary), we need to beat right through it.
Hold my hand on this? Well, not literally. You know why.
Written by Pamela Yanga
****DISCLAIMER: Article release is not in real-time. If you see me galivanting on the streets of Jewelry District, my health is cleared and there is no need for unnecessary speculations and panic.
Added info: I am able to attend the wedding as well.***